Friday, March 21, 2008

Friday Night

3G is cooler than I realized, but I guess expensive. Femtocells sound like a great idea... this TMobile Hotspot@Home thing is pretty slick. AT&T should definitely get on this, apparently they are hinting at it? (So says Broadband Reports, at least)

Also cool: Ultra Hi Definition video. Cooler: The associated 22.2 channel audio. 22.2 ? That's a lot of audio channels. Need a much bigger living room than the one I have before that comes out. Which should be YEARS from now, so I am none too worried. How big a living room do you really need for 22.2 speakers? Are there recommended speaker sizes?

GT5 Prologue Looks Sick. So does Soul Caliber IV. I will get Prologue and GTA 4 next month... and soul caliber in... June!

1 week vacation for Shippuden coming. 2 week vacation for Bleach.

No one around to Quake Wars with tonight. I spent some time last night killing noobs, which is a lot more fun than you might imagine.

Ally gets married tomorrow! Should be crazy, going to a wedding and with kids at that... I am moderately worried about this.

Michelle is going to see Ashley and her family on Easter for a few hours.

Now, off I go to walk the dogs